Saturday 24 November 2012


Salam guy's...hope you really enjoy your weekend with your family,friends or your 2' clock..did you take your launch..??...awuchhh...suddenly i feel so hungry... lets go to PIZZA HUT guys...owh wait..nonono...lets take's more delicious then pizza...hahaha...seriously beb..I will continue my assignment with a new topic that is my hobby..hahaah..if you read my previous post that is about my personal profile..i said that i love very much to read,, i would like to share about one of my favourite author that is HLOVATE...actually until now nobody knows whether the writer's is a man or woman...invisible person..hahaha...but we judge HLOVATE as a i would to share about hlovate by said as SHE & HER....

Everybody who know's about HLOVATE love so much her book and will fall in love with the character in the book's..seriously,before i read her novel..i very not interested about her novel's until my friends force me to read it and at that time i falling in love with all her novel's.Actually,the very2 best about HLOVATE novel's is about our life..nobody perfect and we try to change our life and become a better person.She always said that Allah is good planner and bring us to be a better person then before.In her book she always write about what Allah said in Quran and His Sabda also the Sunnah by our Prophet Muhammad Rasullulah SAW...That make me so proud about her...All her novel,she must write about overseas like Sydney,Texas,United Stated and much more and make us imagine about that country also make us know about their religion and culture at that place.It is very interesting guys...


                            some of Hlovate collection...

I would like to share about the novel by HLOVATE..start from ROOFTOP RANT..this is intersting novel...

This story belongs to Jade and Trisy.Both of them comes from a diffrent family background.Jade come from a second class person.Good family but his always sell a burger with his friends because want to buy a drawing block,planner and everything about drawing because he want to be a cartoonist but his father not willing that.He try his best to be a good cartoonist and he deserve it.Trisy comes from a rich family and have a big house but nobody in her house except her maid.Trisy parents is a busy person and do not have a time about family.All her problem she will share with her maid and one day she go to the Wisma Topaz and he meet Jade.From that,they will be a friend.What ever come to their live,they will share it together.This about truly friend for ever and ever...



This novel's is about life in hostel and friend's.Story about Addin & Benz who is an enemy at the school.They is very popular person and everybody admire them to be couple or whatever.Addin also have twins known as Kucai and their come from a rich family but nobody know's who really they are.They do not want to be a double standard by other's.Addin always remember what her grandmother's said that we must always read Quran everyday and do his Sunnah.Actually without everybody know's Benz  really like Addin but Kucai can feel that..hahaha...this story also have a group of junior that is call Magnificent 7 guys or MAG7...very bad group..hahaa..but they is very lucky because have a senior that is Addin who will always have in their back,always support them if they have any problem.Truly friend's is difficult to find my friend....



Aa+Bb is superb novel from Hlovate guy's..actually tunas is a continuous novel the story Addin and Benz..Tunas is a flash back about them...Aa+Bb is not easy as A + B = "Aman Bahagia" like others.How can an enemy be a friend and the suprise is how they can be husband and wife..??..Addin's family want they get married because their parents is best freinds and they do not know before..that's like a family planning marriage.For Benz it's okay because he love Addin since their in secondary school,it easy for Benz but he was worried on how to tackle Addin..that is very difficult beb..hahaha...



This novel is about a girl,Minn Edina who totally change...360 degree change from a street girl to's because of the will by her granddaughter.Minn Edina is a street girl who is champion on the game of deck board..who really love to do Backside Lipslide,Backside Melon and Crooked Grind.One of the member in team of Wrath the champion in skate game.The other person who be a couple in this novel is Asyraff Omar a.k.a AO..the person who be a mantee of Minn Edina,ellergic with a person who wear a scarf especially Muslimah..he also want to change to be a muslim after know about who really Minn Edina before her changes.VERSUS is a very good novel to us and make us want to change to be a really muslim and muslimah based on Quran and Sunnah.We try our best to do that.Insyaallah because..what we want to do is base on our "niat"..Insyaallah...

                                     ONE OF THE SSCENE IN VERSUS....

                                               CONTENGAN JALANAN

Contengan Jalanan divide by two side..the story belongs Fend & Chad and K2...they are very close since born until died..grow up together,happy and sad together.Chad get a scholarship and studie in Texas while Fend and K2 studie at University of Lim Kok Wing and their have their own musician band that is Creepy Hues...they love music very much.Oneday,their feel like their life is not complete but they have all what they  want.Family,money,work and everything.When they want go back to their hometown..Fend get one quote that said.."The man who decide to change on the 12 hour dies on 11th.."..that sentence make Fend and Chad go to Sydney when Ramdhan Season and lastly they found what the things that he lost before..That is something hollow inside them.Second session about K2,he went to Jakarta to find what he lost an found at there.That is truly relation and friends until die my friends.Allah is a good palnner for us...Allahu Akbar...


                                                  5 TAHUN 5 BULAN...

This story is belong's to Johanna a.k.a Ana & a.k.a Jo...three diffrent caracter but still the same person..very simple story but very nice.Johanna is best student in school and waiting to go to Aberdeen for furthere studies.Ana who be a maid in En.lutfy's house..very polite and know all the recipe in cook's...all family member's of En.Lutfy love Ana very much but diffrent with Along..En.Lutfy's son.He always take an advantages from Ana.Always force Ana to do everything but actually he likes Ana.Jo her character like a boy..who always wear jeans and shirt but so cute,humble,very cleaver and very low profile person...When JOHANNA go to Aberdeen along and his siblings fell like loss someone that they love and miss her so much... and PEACH COBBLER make them together....where ever we go..we are Malaysian people and we cannot change our culture my who we are and not other's....chillll....


                                       COLLECTON OF HLOVATE....

We can change slowly...who never know about HLOVATE...go to bookstore and find her book...very intersting and make us proud we have a author like her in Malaysia.Malysia also have the product like her,HLOVATE...everybody can change..Insyaallah...

                                                                             ......LOTS OF LOVE GUY'S....
                                                                               ......FIZA ZUBIR.........

1 comment:

  1. Good effort to write in English, but maybe you would want to write correctly. Lots of grammar mistakes.
